Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Megapixel wars

Not very long ago, it cost a huge amount of money to have a digital camera with a megapixel count of over 5. Now, however, point-and-shoot cameras with 3 times the megapixel count at one-third the price are becoming commonplace. All major manufacturers are now locked in a battle for supremacy over whose sensor has the highest pixel rating. This rating explains the maximum dimension of the photograph, but for all intents and purposes, anything above 10 megapixels is unnecessary. What manufacturers should look to provide instead, is better features such as multi-face detection, quicker autofocus, more advanced lenses, and the like. It really is time that the mindless war over megapixel supremacy end. And it better be soon, otherwise we'll soon end up with cameras that are overwhelmed by thier own megapixel count.